Interview: Kelly Anneken on Her Lack of Variety Hour | Sponsored

  Wildly talented Kelly Anneken is a one-person army of charisma. Most interviews, in person or via correspondence, ALWAYS requires a little teasing out, a little leaning, a few follow ups. Not so much with Kelly, the loquacious proprietor of Femikaze, Hobo Pancakes, Up Yours, Downstairs and a litany of laudable comedic achievements. She took all my …

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Oakland Comedy Shop @ Feelmore Gallery (6/17/2015)

Comedy’s greatness is magnified by its malleability. All you need is a comic, a mic, an amp and you’re basically in business. An audience, walls or permission are garnish. Stand-up transforms the most unlikely places, and no place is more unlikely—and more Oakland—than the black-owned sex parlor: the Feelmore Gallery.

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