Sketch Saturday: “Open Carry Office” by F-Comedy

Guns are fun. I can’t deny that. Most comedy about guns is about negligence, overabundance, or just plan wackiness. Isaac Hayes (RIP) in I’m Gonna Get You Sucka comes to mind. Cartoons with anthropormophic bullets rounding corners and skidding to a halt to read a sign and jetting off in the opposite direction as their …

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Kevin Avery and F-Comedy Imagines A Response to “The Wiz Live!”, Addressing Diversity Concerns

Can you feel a brand new day (that’s familiarly similar to all the other days)? That’s what this video proposes in answer to the questions of why NBC’s The Wiz Live! was soooo black? Like, hella black? Like, uncomfortably black? So many people decried that The Wiz Live was inherently racist, reverse racist, due to a …

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